FUN 書籤 「Fun」書籤 =「放」書籤,在閱讀疲憊時, 將這趣味插圖移花接木到某個人身上, 除了倦怠感馬上消失,同時也把趣味放進了書裡, 讓這份幽默標記於書頁上,隨時可以讓身心輕鬆一下。
款式A:大衛像&維納斯 款式B:金剛&酷斯拉
FUNNY BOOKMARK You may attach someone's head to the bookmark to double the fun of it. That could not only liven you up when getting tired of reading, but also make reading a more enjoyable journey. Let the “funny bookmark ” be a good company with your books! Take one and be ready for the next unknown trip!